The 90s are well and truly back…in terms of this season’s (and next season’s) trends, anyway! Even the early 00s are getting a look in, because nostalgia is a key theme at the moment - especially with people aged 16-30. That’s quite a big age-gap!
People are turning to retro sportswear, double denims and zany-patterned windbreakers and the beauty of it is, these trends have embraced gender fluidity to a certain extent!
Here’s a few of my favourite new season trends that fit in nicely with us gender-fluid and non-binary folk...
pic: instagram @khristopheruk
1. Double denims
Double denim is here to stay for the time being. It may initially remind you of Billy Ray Cyrus circa Achy Breaky Heart, but according to Vogue double denims are due for a comeback in 2018. It looks like some of the biggest fashion designers have included some great looking gender neutral denim button-ups and relaxed fit jeans.
2. Retro sportswear
Think matching Adidas tracksuits and baggy jumpers emblazoned with a big Nike logo - and that’s what sort of thing is going to stick around for this season. More teen girls than ever are choosing to shop in the men’s section because they like the fit, style and patterns on the clothing.
And because of the limited sizing of women’s clothing, women from all different backgrounds are choosing to wear exclusively men’s sportswear because the size ranges are a lot broader. Baggy, oversize clothing is popular right now and the trend is making people aware that its fine to shop in the men’s section if you’re a woman...and vice versa. That brings me too...
3. Tea dresses
I know - you’re thinking ‘what’s so gender-fluid about pretty, floral tea dresses?’
Well, riot grrl music is making a huge comeback with bands such as Bratakus and Girlpool predicted to make it big. Oh, and did I mention Bikini Kill have just casually announced they’re making a comeback after 20 years? These are bands with gender fluid values - and a style to match. It’s important to note that riot grrl music isn’t necessarily a ‘trend’ but more of a form of activism through music.
pic: instagram @willyoungofficial
Now, let’s get to the tea dresses. Not only would the riot grrls of the 90s and present times wear ‘feminine’ tea dresses with big boots...so would the men. Kurt Cobain wore dresses and so does Will Young now (even if he does have to say he prefers to keep his dress-wearing ‘manly’ for the sake of the oversensitive mainstream media). My point is, that tea dresses could soon become more acceptable for men to wear on an everyday basis. If only people weren’t so insecure about gender....
4. The ole’ reliable blazer
pic: instagram @constantlyk
Do blazers really ever go out of style? For the past year blazers haven’t really been in the spotlight - but POP Sugar reckons blazer are due for a comeback...especially checked blazers. This is good news for non-binary people as a blazer can be the staple of anyone’s wardrobe, regardless of gender. Square shouldered blazers in particular are predicted to be a hit on the catwalk next year.
Blazers and jackets go great with GFW Clothing shirts.